10 events found.
Water Games & VBS Registration, 5:30-7 p.m.
Register for VBS that starts on Sunday, July 10 and [...]
Free Community VBS, 5:30 – 8:15 p.m.
Ocean Commotion, Diving into Noah's Flood is the theme of this [...]
Parents Day Out
For children grades first through fifth. $10 payable in person. [...]
Back to School Splash! Water Games
Free! Water games for children in first through fifth grades. [...]
40 Days of Prayer Kick-Off Banquet
Dinner provided by the Western Heights Activities Team launching 40 [...]
40 Days of Prayer – Stillness and Quiet
Candlelight prayer in the Sanctuary.
40 Days of Prayer – Concert of Confession
Fellowship Hall. There will be music, silent reflection, Scripture reading [...]
40 Days of Prayer – Concert of Thanksgiving
Fellowship Hall. there will be music, silent reflection, Scripture reading [...]